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About dispatch config

dbt can extend functionality across Supported Data Platforms through a system of multiple dispatch. Because SQL syntax, data types, and DDL/DML support vary across adapters, dbt can define and call generic functional macros, and then "dispatch" that macro to the appropriate implementation for the current adapter.



  • macro_name [required]: Name of macro to dispatch. Must be a string literal.
  • macro_namespace [optional]: Namespace (package) of macro to dispatch. Must be a string literal.


{% macro my_macro(arg1, arg2) -%}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('my_macro')(arg1, arg2)) }}
{%- endmacro %}

dbt uses two criteria when searching for the right candidate macro:

  • Adapter prefix
  • Namespace (package)

Adapter prefix: Adapter-specific macros are prefixed with the lowercase adapter name and two underscores. Given a macro named my_macro, dbt will look for:

  • Postgres: postgres__my_macro
  • Redshift: redshift__my_macro
  • Snowflake: snowflake__my_macro
  • BigQuery: bigquery__my_macro
  • OtherAdapter: otheradapter__my_macro
  • default: default__my_macro

If dbt does not find an adapter-specific implementation, it will dispatch to the default implementation.

Namespace: Generally, dbt will search for implementations in the root project and internal projects (e.g. dbt, dbt_postgres). If the macro_namespace argument is provided, it instead searches the specified namespace (package) for viable implementations. It is also possible to dynamically route namespace searching by defining a dispatch project config; see the examples below for details.


A simple example

Let's say I want to define a macro, concat, that compiles to the SQL function concat() as its default behavior. On Redshift and Snowflake, however, I want to use the || operator instead.

{% macro concat(fields) -%}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('concat')(fields)) }}
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro default__concat(fields) -%}
concat({{ fields|join(', ') }})
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro redshift__concat(fields) %}
{{ fields|join(' || ') }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro snowflake__concat(fields) %}
{{ fields|join(' || ') }}
{% endmacro %}

The top concat macro follows a special, rigid formula: It is named with the macro's "primary name," concat, which is how the macro will be called elsewhere. It accepts one argument, named fields. This macro's only function is to dispatch—that is, look for and return—using the primary macro name (concat) as its search term. It also wants to pass through, to its eventual implementation, all the keyword arguments that were passed into it. In this case, there's only one argument, named fields.

Below that macro, I've defined three possible implementations of the concat macro: one for Redshift, one for Snowflake, and one for use by default on all other adapters. Depending on the adapter I'm running against, one of these macros will be selected, it will be passed the specified arguments as inputs, it will operate on those arguments, and it will pass back the result to the original dispatching macro.

A more complex example

I found an existing implementation of the concat macro in the dbt-utils package. However, I want to override its implementation of the concat macro on Redshift in particular. In all other cases—including the default implementation—I'm perfectly happy falling back to the implementations defined in dbt_utils.concat.

{% macro concat(fields) -%}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('concat')(fields)) }}
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro default__concat(fields) -%}
{{ return(dbt_utils.concat(fields)) }}
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro redshift__concat(fields) %}
{% for field in fields %}
nullif({{ field }},'') {{ ' || ' if not loop.last }}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

If I'm running on Redshift, dbt will use my version; if I'm running on any other database, the concat() macro will shell out to the version defined in dbt_utils.

For package maintainers

Dispatched macros from packages must provide the macro_namespace argument, as this declares the namespace (package) where it plans to search for candidates. Most often, this is the same as the name of your package, e.g. dbt_utils. (It is possible, if rarely desirable, to define a dispatched macro not in the dbt_utils package, and dispatch it into the dbt_utils namespace.)

Here we have the definition of the dbt_utils.concat macro, which specifies both the macro_name and macro_namespace to dispatch:

{% macro concat(fields) -%}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('concat', 'dbt_utils')(fields)) }}
{%- endmacro %}

Overriding package macros

Following the second example above: Whenever I call my version of the concat macro in my own project, it will use my special null-handling version on Redshift. But the version of the concat macro within the dbt-utils package will not use my version.

Why does this matter? Other macros in dbt-utils, such as surrogate_key, call the dbt_utils.concat macro directly. What if I want dbt_utils.surrogate_key to use my version of concat instead, including my custom logic on Redshift?

As a user, I can accomplish this via a project-level dispatch config. When dbt goes to dispatch dbt_utils.concat, it knows from the macro_namespace argument to search in the dbt_utils namespace. The config below defines dynamic routing for that namespace, telling dbt to search through an ordered sequence of packages, instead of just the dbt_utils package.

- macro_namespace: dbt_utils
search_order: ['my_project', 'dbt_utils']

Note that this config must be specified in the user's root dbt_project.yml. dbt will ignore any dispatch configs defined in the project files of installed packages.

Adapter prefixes still matter: dbt will only ever look for implementations that are compatible with the current adapter. But dbt will prioritize package specificity over adapter specificity. If I call the concat macro while running on Postgres, with the config above, dbt will look for the following macros in order:

  1. my_project.postgres__concat (not found)
  2. my_project.default__concat (not found)
  3. dbt_utils.postgres__concat (not found)
  4. dbt_utils.default__concat (found! use this one)

As someone installing a package, this functionality makes it possible for me to change the behavior of another, more complex macro (dbt_utils.surrogate_key) by reimplementing and overriding one of its modular components.

As a package maintainer, this functionality enables users of my package to extend, reimplement, or override default behavior, without needing to fork the package's source code.

Overriding global macros

I maintain an internal utility package at my organization, named my_org_dbt_helpers. I use this package to reimplement built-in dbt macros on behalf of all my dbt-using colleagues, who work across a number of dbt projects.

My package can define custom versions of any dispatched global macro I choose, from generate_schema_name to test_unique. I can define a new default version of that macro (e.g. default__generate_schema_name), or custom versions for specific data warehouse adapters (e.g. spark__generate_schema_name).

Each root project installing my package simply needs to include the project-level dispatch config that searches my package ahead of dbt for the dbt global namespace:

- macro_namespace: dbt
search_order: ['my_project', 'my_org_dbt_helpers', 'dbt']

Managing different global overrides across packages

You can override global behaviors in different ways for each project that is installed as a package. This holds true for all global macros: generate_schema_name, create_table_as, etc. When parsing or running a resource defined in a package, the definition of the global macro within that package takes precedence over the definition in the root project because it's more specific to those resources.

By combining package-level overrides and dispatch, it is possible to achieve three different patterns:

  1. Package always wins As the developer of dbt models in a project that will be deployed elsewhere as a package, You want full control over the macros used to define & materialize my models. Your macros should always take precedence for your models, and there should not be any way to override them.

    • Mechanism: Each project/package fully overrides the macro by its name, for example, generate_schema_name or create_table_as. Do not use dispatch.
  2. Conditional application (root project wins) As the maintainer of one dbt project in a mesh of multiple, your team wants conditional application of these rules. When running your project standalone (in development), you want to apply custom behavior; but when installed as a package and deployed alongside several other projects (in production), you want the root-level project's rules to apply.

    • Mechanism: Each package implements its "local" override by registering a candidate for dispatch with an adapter prefix, for example, default__generate_schema_name or default__create_table_as. The root-level project can then register its own candidate for dispatch (default__generate_schema_name), winning the default search order or by explicitly overriding the macro by name (generate_schema_name).
  3. Same rules everywhere all the time As a member of the data platform team responsible for consistency across teams at your organization, you want to create a "macro package" that every team can install & use.

    • Mechanism: Create a standalone package of candidate macros only, for example, default__generate_schema_name or default__create_table_as. Add a project-level dispatch configuration in every project's dbt_project.yml.

For adapter plugin maintainers

Most packages were initially designed to work on the four original dbt adapters. By using the dispatch macro and project config, it is possible to "shim" existing packages to work on other adapters, by way of third-party compatibility packages.

For instance, if I want to use dbt_utils.concat on Apache Spark, I can install a compatibility package, spark-utils, alongside dbt-utils:

- package: dbt-labs/dbt_utils
version: ...
- package: dbt-labs/spark_utils
version: ...

I then include spark_utils in the search order for dispatched macros in the dbt_utils namespace. (I still include my own project first, just in case I want to reimplement any macros with my own custom logic.)

- macro_namespace: dbt_utils
search_order: ['my_project', 'spark_utils', 'dbt_utils']

When dispatching dbt_utils.concat, dbt will search for:

  1. my_project.spark__concat (not found)
  2. my_project.default__concat (not found)
  3. spark_utils.spark__concat (found! use this one)
  4. spark_utils.default__concat
  5. dbt_utils.postgres__concat
  6. dbt_utils.default__concat

As a compatibility package maintainer, I only need to reimplement the foundational building-block macros which encapsulate low-level syntactical differences. By reimplementing low-level macros, such as spark__dateadd and spark__datediff, the spark_utils package provides access to more complex macros (dbt_utils.date_spine) "for free."

As a dbt-spark user, by installing dbt_utils and spark_utils together, I don't just get access to higher-level utility macros. I may even be able to install and use packages with no Spark-specific logic, and which have never been tested against Spark, so long as they rely on dbt_utils macros for cross-adapter compatibility.

Adapter inheritance

Some adapters "inherit" from other adapters (e.g. dbt-postgres dbt-redshift, and dbt-spark dbt-databricks). If using a child adapter, dbt will include any parent adapter implementations in its search order, too. Instead of just looking for redshift__ and falling back to default__, dbt will look for redshift__, postgres__, and default__, in that order.

Child adapters tend to have very similar SQL syntax to their parents, so this allows them to skip reimplementing a macro that has already been reimplemented by the parent adapter.

Following the example above with dbt_utils.concat, the full search order on Redshift is actually:

  1. my_project.redshift__concat
  2. my_project.postgres__concat
  3. my_project.default__concat
  4. dbt_utils.redshift__concat
  5. dbt_utils.postgres__concat
  6. dbt_utils.default__concat

In rare cases, the child adapter may prefer the default implementation to its parent's adapter-specific implementation. In that case, the child adapter should define an adapter-specific macro that calls the default. For instance, the PostgreSQL syntax for adding dates ought to work on Redshift, too, but I may happen to prefer the simplicity of dateadd:

{% macro dateadd(datepart, interval, from_date_or_timestamp) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('dateadd')(datepart, interval, from_date_or_timestamp)) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro default__dateadd(datepart, interval, from_date_or_timestamp) %}
dateadd({{ datepart }}, {{ interval }}, {{ from_date_or_timestamp }})
{% endmacro %}

{% macro postgres__dateadd(datepart, interval, from_date_or_timestamp) %}
{{ from_date_or_timestamp }} + ((interval '1 {{ datepart }}') * ({{ interval }}))
{% endmacro %}

{# Use default syntax instead of postgres syntax #}
{% macro redshift__dateadd(datepart, interval, from_date_or_timestamp) %}
{{ return(default__dateadd(datepart, interval, from_date_or_timestamp) }}
{% endmacro %}