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Run linting checks with SQLFluff

By linting your project during CI, you can ensure that code styling standards are consistently enforced, without spending human time nitpicking comma placement.

The steps below create an action/pipeline which uses SQLFluff to scan your code and look for linting errors. If you don't already have SQLFluff rules defined, check out our recommended config file.

1. Create a YAML file to define your pipeline

The YAML files defined below are what tell your code hosting platform the steps to run. In this setup, you’re telling the platform to run a SQLFluff lint job every time a commit is pushed.

GitHub Actions are defined in the .github/workflows directory. To define the job for your action, add a new file named lint_on_push.yml under the workflows folder. Your final folder structure will look like this:

├── .github
│ ├── workflows
│ │ └── lint_on_push.yml

Key pieces:

  • on: defines when the pipeline is run. This workflow will run whenever code is pushed to any branch except main. For other trigger options, check out GitHub’s docs.
  • runs-on: ubuntu-latest - this defines the operating system we’re using to run the job
  • uses: - When the Ubuntu server is created, it is completely empty. checkout and setup-python are public GitHub Actions which enable the server to access the code in your repo, and set up Python correctly.
  • run: - these steps are run at the command line, as though you typed them at a prompt yourself. This will install sqlfluff and lint the project. Be sure to set the correct --dialect for your project.

For a full breakdown of the properties in a workflow file, see Understanding the workflow file on GitHub's website.

name: lint dbt project on push

- 'main'

# this job runs SQLFluff with a specific set of rules
# note the dialect is set to Snowflake, so make that specific to your setup
# details on linter rules:
name: Run SQLFluff linter
runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- uses: "actions/checkout@v3"
- uses: "actions/setup-python@v4"
python-version: "3.9"
- name: Install SQLFluff
run: "pip install sqlfluff"
- name: Lint project
run: "sqlfluff lint models --dialect snowflake"

2. Commit and push your changes to make sure everything works

After you finish creating the YAML files, commit and push your code to trigger your pipeline for the first time. If everything goes well, you should see the pipeline in your code platform. When you click into the job you’ll get a log showing that SQLFluff was run. If your code failed linting you’ll get an error in the job with a description of what needs to be fixed. If everything passed the lint check, you’ll see a successful job run.

In your repository, click the Actions tab

Image showing the GitHub action for lint on push

Sample output from SQLFluff in the Run SQLFluff linter job:

Image showing the logs in GitHub for the SQLFluff run