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We have now completed building all the models for today’s lab, but how do we know if they meet our assertions? Put another way, how do we know the quality of our data models are any good? This brings us to testing!

We test data models for mainly two reasons:

  • Ensure that our source data is clean on ingestion before we start data modeling/transformation (aka avoid garbage in, garbage out problem).
  • Make sure we don’t introduce bugs in the transformation code we wrote (stop ourselves from creating bad joins/fanouts).

Testing in dbt comes in two flavors: generic and singular.

You define them in a test block (similar to a macro) and once defined, you can reference them by name in your .yml files (applying them to models, columns, sources, snapshots, and seeds).

You might be wondering: what about testing Python models?

Since the output of our Python models are tables, we can test SQL and Python models the same way! We don’t have to worry about any syntax differences when testing SQL versus Python data models. This means we use .yml and .sql files to test our entities (tables, views, etc.). Under the hood, dbt is running an SQL query on our tables to see if they meet assertions. If no rows are returned, dbt will surface a passed test. Conversely, if a test results in returned rows, it will fail or warn depending on the configuration (more on that later).

Generic tests

  1. To implement generic out-of-the-box tests dbt comes with, we can use YAML files to specify information about our models. To add generic tests to our aggregates model, create a file called aggregates.yml, copy the code block below into the file, and save.

    The aggregates.yml file in our file treeThe aggregates.yml file in our file tree
    version: 2

    - name: fastest_pit_stops_by_constructor
    description: Use the python .describe() method to retrieve summary statistics table about pit stops by constructor. Sort by average stop time ascending so the first row returns the fastest constructor.
    - name: constructor_name
    description: team that makes the car
    - unique

    - name: lap_times_moving_avg
    description: Use the python .rolling() method to calculate the 5 year rolling average of pit stop times alongside the average for each year.
    - name: race_year
    description: year of the race
    - relationships:
    to: ref('int_lap_times_years')
    field: race_year
  2. Let’s unpack the code we have here. We have both our aggregates models with the model name to know the object we are referencing and the description of the model that we’ll populate in our documentation. At the column level (a level below our model), we are providing the column name followed by our tests. We want to ensure our constructor_name is unique since we used a pandas groupby on constructor_name in the model fastest_pit_stops_by_constructor. Next, we want to ensure our race_year has referential integrity from the model we selected from int_lap_times_years into our subsequent lap_times_moving_avg model.

  3. Finally, if we want to see how tests were deployed on sources and SQL models, we can look at other files in our project such as the f1_sources.yml we created in our Sources and staging section.

Using macros for testing

  1. Under your macros folder, create a new file and name it test_all_values_gte_zero.sql. Copy the code block below and save the file. For clarity, “gte” is an abbreviation for greater than or equal to.

    macro file for reusable testing codemacro file for reusable testing code
    {% macro test_all_values_gte_zero(table, column) %}

    select * from {{ ref(table) }} where {{ column }} < 0

    {% endmacro %}
  2. Macros in Jinja are pieces of code that can be reused multiple times in our SQL models they are analogous to "functions" in other programming languages, and are extremely useful if you find yourself repeating code across multiple models.

  3. We use the {% macro %} to indicate the start of the macro and {% endmacro %} for the end. The text after the beginning of the macro block is the name we are giving the macro to later call it. In this case, our macro is called test_all_values_gte_zero. Macros take in arguments to pass through, in this case the table and the column. In the body of the macro, we see an SQL statement that is using the ref function to dynamically select the table and then the column. You can always view macros without having to run them by using dbt run-operation. You can learn more here.

  4. Great, now we want to reference this macro as a test! Let’s create a new test file called macro_pit_stops_mean_is_positive.sql in our tests folder.

    creating a test on our pit stops model referencing the macrocreating a test on our pit stops model referencing the macro
  5. Copy the following code into the file and save:

    tags = ['bi']

    {{ test_all_values_gte_zero('fastest_pit_stops_by_constructor', 'mean') }}
  6. In our testing file, we are applying some configurations to the test including enabled, which is an optional configuration for disabling models, seeds, snapshots, and tests. Our severity is set to warn instead of error, which means our pipeline will still continue to run. We have tagged our test with bi since we are applying this test to one of our bi models.

Then, in our final line, we are calling the test_all_values_gte_zero macro that takes in our table and column arguments and inputting our table 'fastest_pit_stops_by_constructor' and the column 'mean'.

Custom singular tests to validate Python models

The simplest way to define a test is by writing the exact SQL that will return failing records. We call these "singular" tests, because they're one-off assertions usable for a single purpose.

These tests are defined in .sql files, typically in your tests directory (as defined by your test-paths config). You can use Jinja in SQL models (including ref and source) in the test definition, just like you can when creating models. Each .sql file contains one select statement, and it defines one test.

Let’s add a custom test that asserts that the moving average of the lap time over the last 5 years is greater than zero (it’s impossible to have time less than 0!). It is easy to assume if this is not the case the data has been corrupted.

  1. Create a file lap_times_moving_avg_assert_positive_or_null.sql under the tests folder.

    custom singular test for testing lap times are positive valuescustom singular test for testing lap times are positive values
  2. Copy the following code and save the file:

    tags = ['bi']

    with lap_times_moving_avg as ( select * from {{ ref('lap_times_moving_avg') }} )

    select *
    from lap_times_moving_avg
    where lap_moving_avg_5_years < 0 and lap_moving_avg_5_years is not null

Putting all our tests together

  1. Time to run our tests! Altogether, we have created 4 tests for our 2 Python models:

    • fastest_pit_stops_by_constructor
      • Unique constructor_name
      • Lap times are greater than 0 or null (to allow for the first leading values in a rolling calculation)
    • lap_times_moving_avg
      • Referential test on race_year
      • Mean pit stop times are greater than or equal to 0 (no negative time values)
  2. To run the tests on both our models, we can use this syntax in the command line to run them both at once, similar to how we did our data splits earlier. Execute the following in the command bar:

    dbt test --select fastest_pit_stops_by_constructor lap_times_moving_avg
    running tests on our python modelsrunning tests on our python models
  3. All 4 of our tests passed (yay for clean data)! To understand the SQL being run against each of our tables, we can click into the details of the test.

  4. Navigating into the Details of the unique_fastest_pit_stops_by_constructor_name, we can see that each line constructor_name should only have one row.

    view details of testing our python model that used SQL to test data assertionsview details of testing our python model that used SQL to test data assertions