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BigQuery: Creating date-partitioned tables


The functionality described below was introduced in dbt Core v0.10 (March 2018). In v1.0 (December 2021), it was deprecated in favor of column-based partitioning and incremental modeling.

dbt supports the creation of date partitioned tables in BigQuery.

To configure a dbt model as a date partitioned table, use the materialized='table' model configuration in conjunction with a list of partitions. dbt will execute your model query once for each specified partition. For example:

partitions=[20180101, 20180102],


dbt will interpolate each `partition` wherever it finds [DBT__PARTITION_DATE]
in your model code. This model will create a single table with two partitions:
1. 20180101
2. 20180102

These partitions will be created by running the following query against
each of the following date-sharded tables:

1. `snowplow`.`events_20180101`
2. `snowplow`.`events_20180102`


select *
from `snowplow`.`events_[DBT__PARTITION_DATE]`

To make this model more dynamic, we can use the dbt.partition_range macro to generate a list of 8-digit dates in a specified range. Further, dbt provides a handy macro, date_sharded_table, for getting a date-sharded table by its prefix for a given date. Together, this looks like:

partitions=dbt.partition_range('20180101, 20180201'),

-- This model creates a date-partitioned table. There will be one
-- partition for each day between 20180101 and 20180201, inclusive.
-- The `date_sharded_table` macro below is sugar around [DBT__PARTITION_DATE]

select *
from `snowplow`.`{{ date_sharded_table('events_') }}`

Finally, it's frequently desirable to only update a date partitioned table for the last day of received data. This can be implemented using the above configurations in conjunction with a clever macro and some command line variables.

First, the macro:

{% macro yesterday() %}

{% set today = %}
{% set one_day = modules.datetime.timedelta(days=1) %}
{% set yesterday = (today - one_day) %}

{{ return(yesterday.strftime("%Y%m%d")) }}

{% endmacro %}

Next, use it in the model:

partitions=dbt.partition_range(var('dates', default=yesterday())),

select *
from `snowplow`.`{{ date_sharded_table('events_') }}`

If a dates variable is provided (eg. on the command line with --vars), then dbt will create the partitions for that date range. Otherwise, dbt will create a partition for yesterday, overwriting it if it already exists.

Here's an example of running this model for the first 3 days of 2018 as a part of a backfill:

dbt run --select partitioned_yesterday --vars 'dates: "20180101, 20180103"'